Sharing your contact details with Teva Australia Pty Ltd
In order to attend the Teva dinner symposium, we are required to share your name and email address with Teva. All information regarding the dinner will be shared directly from Teva. If you do not consent, ANZHS will be unable to share your contact details and register you to the Teva event. You may revoke this consent in whole or in part at any time without giving reasons by informing the respective company of this revocation.
Teva Australia’s service providers and affiliates are based in jurisdictions including Australia, Israel, United States, and the European Union and handle your information according to their local laws, which may not ensure compliance with Australian law. By making this acknowledgement you consent to the disclosure of your information on this basis, including that Teva will be accountable according to local laws and not under the Australian Privacy Act and that you may seek redress according to your local laws and not the Australian Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) in respect of such practices. I have read and accept the terms of use and privacy policy.